What one likes, one wil do well

Martial arts can be approached from a various slants - pedagogically, as a business, or from the sidelines as a third-person commentator. Martial artists are known as "shugyosha" in Japanese though, which means a person who engages in "shugyo" (strict training). We are people who first and foremost engage in training.

There is a Japanese proverb which says "what one likes, one will do well". This is true for martial arts and other pursuits too. The shortcut to becoming better at something is enthusiastically engaging in it because you love doing so. The more you like the process of watching your seniors example, then copying and adjusting your technique again and again and again, the more you will do well.


武術は色々な切り口から接することができます。教育学的に考えたり、経営的に考えたり、評論的に考えたりと、様々な捉え方ができるようですが、修行者であ る以上、鍛錬・修行あるのみ。日本の諺で「好きこそ、物の上手なれ」とありますが、当にその通りです。人は好きなものに当たって熱心に努力することが、上 達の早道です。先達の見本を見て、繰り返し繰り返し技を真似して直して行く過程ことが好きな人ほど上手になります。